
How refunds are calculated if the guest makes a cancellation?

The total amount refunded to the guest will depend on the time of the cancellation and the host’s chosen cancellation policy.
The refundable amount excludes PandaBed cancellation fee of 10%.

Flexible - 1 day prior
Guest will be refunded 100% of booking amount if Guest cancels the booking at least 1 day before check-in by 12 noon, local time. Please note that cancellation fee is non-refundable.

If the Guest paid a total of $110 and cancels more than 1 day prior to check-in, he would receive a refund of $100.

Moderate - 7 days prior
Guest will be refunded 100% booking amount if Guest cancel the booking at least 7 days before check-in by 12 noon, local time. Please note that cancellation fee is non-refundable.

If the Guest paid a total of $110 and cancels more than 7 days prior to check-in, he would receive a refund of $100.

Strict - 14 days prior
Guest will be refunded 50% of the booking amount if Guest cancels the booking at least 14 days before check-in by 12 noon, local time. If Guest cancels less than 14 days before the booking, the entire booking amount is not refunded. Please note that cancellation fee is non-refundable.

If the guest paid a total of $110 and cancels more than 14 days prior to check-in, he would receive a refund of $50. If a guest cancels less than 14 days, he will not receive a refund.

Monthly Rental
There will be a non-refundable first month deposit and 30 day notice for termination of lease agreement. Please note that cancellation fee is non-refundable.

If the guest paid $1500 for a 1.5 month stay and cancels before checks in, he would receive a refund of $500 minus PandaBed fees.

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