
Tips on Creating an Awesome Listing To Get More Bookings

We can't stress more about photos but a listing with an awesome photo is 3x times more likely to get a booking. Here are some tips:

- Lighting : Bright and sunny rooms looks more pleasing to the eye. Open all curtains and turn on all the light to make the room brighter.
- Tidy Space : Messy home does not look nice. Tidy it up before the photoshoot
- Camera Equipment : Everyone has a friend who is into photography or owns good camera. Ask him to lend you the camera for your photography. We strongly recommend using a wide-angle lens to capture every corner of the room. Never ever use your camera on your mobile phone.

Great titles makes guest want to read more about your home. As you are limited to 70 characters per title, we recommend to highlight the main selling point of your home (why should I book?) and its location.

Similar to writing a newspaper article, the main points are in the first 2 paragraphs - pack the meat in front. As not every home is perfect, accuracy is very important so that you set the right expectation for your guest. Do not just describe not just where your guest sleeps but the neighbourhood as well. So if your neighbours are doing a major renovation, do highlight it too.

Providing your guest a pleasant stay experience usually results in earning a positive review for your listing. Needless to say, that positive review is a stamp of approval for other guest to book your home.

PandaBed offers multiple layers of verfication to give guest peace of mind to ensure their host is trustworthy. Verification includes:
- PeerMatch
- Facebook
- LinkedIn
- Passport/ID
- WebCheck
- Photographed By PandaBed
- Address Verification
- Mobile Verification

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